[Database] Race condition

Rex Chiang
2 min readJun 1, 2023


A race condition is a type of bug that occurs when multiple transactions (threads or processes) access a shared resource simultaneously, and might cause abnormal behavior.

Dirty read

  • A transaction reads data that another transaction hasn’t been committed.
  • Occur when an UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE from another transaction.

Read skew (Non-repeatable read)

  • A transaction reads inconsistent data because another transaction modify and commit the data during the course of a transaction.
  • Occur when an UPDATE from another transaction.

Phantom read

  • A transaction reads inconsistent data because another transaction modify and commit the data during the course of a transaction.
  • Occur when an INSERT, DELETE from another transaction.

Lost update

  • Multiple transactions are trying to modify the same data at the same time, and one of a transaction overwrite modifications from other transactions.
  • Occur when an UPDATE from another transaction.

Write skew

  • Multiple transactions read the same data first for modifying, but one of a transaction modify the data and commit before other transactions.
  • Occur when an UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE from another transaction.



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